Pledge Page

Tell us what you pledge to do to help Planet Earth…

This page contains some of the pledges that people have made to Help Planet Earth. If you want to leave your own pledge to be included on this page please fill in the ‘Act Now! Be a Star‘ form.


Also, if you need any ideas, check out this PDF on 20 simple things you can do.

Your Pledges

“To continue to develop this free online resource (“Planet Earth Needs Our Help”) for families, schools and communities. To help raise awareness and promote helpful actions, for the well-being of our beautiful planet and it’s inhabitants.” Marylyn

“I pledge to research and start using solar and wind power to produce electricity for my computer equipment to help reduce carbon emissions. – Dave.”

“Reduce plastic usage wherever possible including moving to refill options.” – Tara 

“Mend and make do” Lewis

